Alan just donated $52.75
Willow just donated $15.82
KATHARINE JANE just donated $52.75
Sharon just donated $52.75
Redland Hospital Auxiliary Inc just donated $2020.00
Anne just donated $105.50
Dan just donated $1.00
Sharon just donated $10.55
Ellen just donated $2.48

Redland Hospital is the major health centre for one of the fastest growing regions in the state. The hospital has grown from a 48-bed community hospital in 1990 to a 238 bed and bed alternative hospital today, mirroring the rapid growth in population in the Redland region.
The Redland Hospital Fund is your place to give and say thank you for the exceptional care you’ve received at the Redland Hospital.
Your gifts support patients and their families and help create a happier and healthier community, where you, your family, friends, and neighbours experience improved health outcomes.
Recognise amazing care, compassion, and staff excellence at Redland Hospital today.
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Redland Hospital News

Ankle injury diagnosis approach trialed at Redland Hospital

Lamb Ward gets a makeover thanks to Redland Hospital Fund do...

Redlands Satellite Hospital's First Clinical Trial

Why some patients get seen faster
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